I’m about to reveal to you a proven secret on how to complete your quilt projects quicker. The end result will bring happiness to you to see those beautiful finished quilts displayed in your home, or smiles to others when they receive one of your quilts as a gift.
I will always tell you the truth. And here’s the truth about UFOs (aka UnFinished Objects).
UFOs do not fly in the sky driven by little green aliens wearing space suits, or by one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eaters, searching for unsuspecting humans to abduct.
Truth is, they are actually lurking in your sewing room and multiplying every time you think of a brilliant new quilt idea!!! That’s right, and let me tell you, they multiply rapidly every time you venture into a fabric store and a new project is imagined. The vast number of UFOs (lovely as they may be) grows leaps and bounds by our own imaginations!
Now seriously, let’s get real about our quilting projects. Does your sewing area have more UFO’s than Area 51? The first All Missouri Shop Hop in 2022 was a great success. It was enjoyed by the shoppers, very beneficial for the participating shops, and the 2023 Hop is in full swing and proving to be even better with 100 shops participating. But, raise your hand if you have projects you bought on a Shop Hop or other shopping trips that are still stashed away in your sewing room. I’m right there with you, girl! And that UFO list I made at the beginning of last year, with intentions of completing a project every month? Right! Still sitting there, not done, while I most certainly bought more fabric on the Shop Hop and throughout the year! Even though I am convinced that buying fabric and making quilts are two different hobbies, my list of unfinished projects is downright ridiculous!
But here’s what I have discovered, and the secret to getting those projects finished — Time spent at a retreat will yield more finished quilts than time at home. It’s true, and I’ve proven this hypothesis myself while at a retreat.
Without the distractions and demands of everyday life, I was able to put together four (4!) quilt tops during a 3-day retreat. Granted, these were not large, intricate quilt patterns, but still. They were tops I was needing to finish and one was a new idea purchased on the way to the retreat! I would have never completed them at home in that amount of time. At home there’s always someone needing your help, volunteer commitments, laundry and housework, someone wanting food…you know what I mean. The list of distractions is endless.
Time is the answer to diminishing your growing number of UFOs. At Prairie Flower Retreats we understand this, and are here to give you that much needed time you desire and deserve. Our motto here is “I found time to finish mine at a Prairie Flower Retreat”.
Retreats give you more finished quilts, which gives you more space in your sewing room for more fabric! Win-Win!!